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How to Find a Job in the Translation and Localization Industry

How to Find a Job in the Translation and Localization Industry

The hustle is real, but you can save time and energy on your language industry job search by narrowing down how and where you look. Here are a few resources to help you get started.

Obvious? Perhaps. Helpful? Undoubtedly. This is the new one-stop shop for language industry employment. Search job postings and create a profile that highlights your credentials and experience — you can name drop past employers, tools you’ve mastered, and your unique accomplishments.

Social Media

LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are virtual stand-ins for network events for thousands of language industry professionals around the world. Join language industry groups, follow relevant hashtags, and connect with people who’ve already been immersed in the space for years. 

Job Boards

Carefully worded searches on generalist websites are still worthwhile because so many jobs within the language industry fall under departments you might find at any company, such as business development, operations, project management, marketing and communications, and tech support.

Working Backwards

If your goal is to work in the language industry but you’re open to a variety of roles, first identify companies you’d like to work for (Slator’s Language Service Provider Index is a solid starting point), and then research possible openings.