Monthly subscription for a single active job post. Ideal plan for smaller language service or technology providers and larger enterprise teams who have regular but limited hiring needs.
✔️ 1 active job post
✔️ Ability to change roles
✔️ Shared on Social Media
✔️ Featured Job
✔️ Cancel at any time
Monthly subscription for 5 concurrently active job posts. A flexible subscription plan ideal for medium and large language services and tech providers and enterprise teams with regular hiring needs
✔️ 5 active job posts
✔️ Ability to change roles
✔️ New posts shared on social media
✔️ Featured job
✔️ Featured company profile
✔️ Resume / CV search
✔️ Cancel at any time
Monthly subscription for 25 concurrently active job posts. The ultimate plan for large language service providers, enterprise customers and recruitment agencies with significant hiring requirements.
✔️ 25 active job posts
✔️ Ability to change roles
✔️ New posts shared on social media
✔️ Featured job
✔️ Featured company profile
✔️ Resume / CV search
✔️ Cancel at any time
Single job post live for 60 days. Perfect for small language service and technology providers and companies with single hires for larger teams.
✔️ 1 job post
✔️ Job post live for 60 days
✔️ New posts shared on social media
Use within 365 days of purchase
5 job posts each live for 60 days. Ideal for language services and tech providers, and enterprises to run targeted recruitment drives.
✔️ 5 job posts
✔️ Each job post live for 60 days
✔️ Featured job
✔️New posts shared on social media
Use within 365 days of purchase
25 job posts each live for 60 days. Best for large language services and tech providers, enterprises, and recruiters to run comprehensive hiring initiatives.
✔️ 25 job posts
✔️ Each job post live for 60 days
✔️ Featured job
✔️ Featured company profile
✔️New posts shared on social media
Use within 365 days of purchase